The Forge Defenders

"Yes, they are stubborn and prideful, but when speaking of Dwarfs and Gnomes there is really only one thing to remember…They are, quite simply, born for battle.”

#1 24-Jun-08 (Tue) 10:24


Mistrz Kufla

Skąd: Swarzędz
Zarejestrowany: 19-May-08 (Mon)
Posty: 29
Punktów :   

Żegnam was...

W dniu dzisiejszym, widzac ze 98% czlonków jest nie obecna ponad 14 dni, postanowilem unicestwic gildie. tak wiec 24 Czerwca o godzinie 12.24 gildia Forge Defenders została pokopnana i zniszczona przez Horde.

Z prochu powstała. i w proch się obruciła.

"Never tell a Hammerer that it's the hammer doing all the work. They have views on that sort of nonsense... the kind of views that also involve your kneecaps..."
- Sveltbar, Veteran Ironbreaker

"To strike an Ironbreaker is to strike an anvil. You are more likely to re-shape your weapon than to move him… and heavens forbid one lands on you..."
- High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer



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